Welcome to the GDSC Game Jam Guide (Notion) Page. This page is an all-encompassing guide for the Game Jam Event.
On this page, we will have resources to revise python, the notes from the Game Jam PyGame and Game Design workshops, information regarding team registrations, information on how to submit, and other rules.
Submission and team registrations are now working. You should all have received an email regarding the process but here is the link to the Devpost website.
Here you can form a project, invite your team members then submit your work
Also if you have not already please join the Discord, and add yourself to the Game Jam role. We will be using Discord for most of our communications. As seen below, you just have to click on the game controller icon to join the Game Jam channels. The Game Jam channels should be at the very bottom of the discord page.
Curious as to what song Iām listening to?